Well, if that isn't the question of the hour! I was a stalker of the MLS (multiple listing service), I looked every day, just waiting for our dream home to go on the market. When our dream home didn't show up, we decided that we would look into building. Kyle designs homes for a living so he began drawing, HOW EXCITING!
We made an appointment with a builder and went for the meeting, I was ready to sign on the dotted line...until they smacked us in the face with the outrageous price! FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, it wasn't like we wanted to build a mansion, just a small, simple (or at least what I thought was simple), cabin-esque house in the woods. I wanted to cry.
Apparently, custom homes with complicated truss systems are expensive..who knew! Actually, Kyle told me all along but I am stubborn.
In the meantime, we had to go somewhere so we moved to my parent's house while all of our worldly goods moved into two gigantic storage units. I snagged a genius moving and storage template here http://shannonbrown.typepad.com/life_in_general/2012/05/how-to-move-1000-miles.html
So, all of our stuff is in storage and we are homeless with no idea where we were going to move!
Welcome home...for now!